1. To convert rate per CWT to rate-per-bushel: multiply the rate per CWT by . (decimal
point) bushel weight. Example: 4 oz per CWT on wheat = 2.4 OZ/BU 4 x .60 = 2.4
2. To convert rate per bushel to rate per CWT: divide rate per bushel by . (decimal point)
bushel weight. Example: 2.4 OZ per bushel on wheat - 4 OZ per CWT 2.4 x .60 = 4 OZ
per CWT
3. To calculate part per million (PPM):
.0016 = PPM
4. To calculate OZ AI/CWT from PPM:
PPM x .0016 = OZ AI/CWT
5. To calculate OZ AI/FL OZ (owable or liquid):
Pounds AI/Gallon x 16
128 = OZ AI/CWT
6. To calculate OZ AI/CWT: Rate (FL.OZ/CWT) x OZ AI/FL OZ = OZ AI/CWT
7. To calculate OZ AI for powders: Rate x % active = OZ AI/CWT
8. Approximate water displacement: 1 dry OZ displaces 1 FL OZ
9. Ag strep formula:
Go to Ag Strep Label under mixing instructions
Add % concentration per gallon to get desired concentration per gallon of water (slurry)
= OZ Ag Strep per gallon, divide by 128 = OZ of Ag Strep per FL OZ, multiply by slurry
rate per CWT = rate Ag Strep per CWT
10. Pounds of seed ÷ number of trips = pounds per trip.
11. Ounces of chemical per 100 pounds of seed x 29.6 CC = total CC of treatment per 100
pounds of seed.
AI = Active Ingredient BU = Bushel CC = Cubic Centimeter
CWT = 100 pounds OZ = Ounces