1.) New burnermayhaveresidualoil, whichwill burnoffi
2.) Tubesin burnersareblocked.Removeandclean.
3.) Burnershaveahighgreaseor dirt build-up.Removeandclean.
4.) Burnersarenotalignedproperlywith thevalves.Inspectunderthecontrolpanel.
1.) Outof gas.Checkto besureyoustillhavepropanein yourtank.
2.) Yourexcessivefuelflow valvehastripped,therebyreducingtheflow of gas. Turnoff all burners,wait
30seconds,andrelightgrill. Ifprobleln persists,turnoffall burners.Disconnectregulatorfrom tank.
Reconnectregulatorandleaktest. SlowlyturnonLP tankandrelightgrill. Otherwaystheflow
a. A rupturedgashose.Inspect,performaleaktest,andreplaceasnecessary.
b. Openingthecontrolknobsbetbreturningon theLPgasatthecylinder. Turnonthegasatthe
LPcylinderfirst beforeturningonacontrolknobto light.
c. hnproperpurgingof cylinderbeforeit wasfilled. SeeyourLPgasdealer.
3.) Windcouldbeblowingoutyourburners.Turnt?ont of grill to thee wind or lnove out of the wind.
1.) Heat diffusers, inside of grill, grates, and burners need to be cleaned.
2.) Grease tray needs to be cleaned and emptied.
3.) Using too high of heat to cook. Reduce control knob setting.
4.) Direct cooking lnethod will produce more flare-ups than indirect. If using direct lnethod, try using
Ilnmediately shut off cylinder valve and allow grill to cool.
1.) Check burners for obstructions and clean.
2.) Inspect under the control panel to be sure the burners are aligned properly with the valves.
3.) Gas is leaking _Oln a faulty connection or damaged hose. Perform a leak test and inspect for leaks.
Tighten or replace parts as necessary.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I convert my gas grill from one fuel source to another?
No. Your gas grill is lnanufactured to specific standards developed by CSA and ANSI for your safety
and grilling performance for either LP or Natural Gas. We do not offer conversion kits nor do we
recommend you change the fuel type.
What is the difference between 304 commercial series stainless steel and others?
304 series stainless steel is also called 18/8, which means that it contains 18% chrolnium and 8% nickel.
The chrolniUln gives the stainless steel its color and its corrosion resistant properties on the surface. The
nickel, which is what differentiates 304 series stainless steel, hardens the surthce for additional
protection. Some lnanut:acturers use a 430 series stainless steel, which is 18/0. It contains less that 1%
nickel. Therefore, it provides less corrosion protection and rust resistance. Our grills use only 304
series stainless steel. 304 series stainless steel is not magnetic, where 430 series stainless steel is.
How are your grills tested?
Our grills are tested and certified by CSA, a leading worldwide independent testing center, to meet or
exceed various CSA and ANSI standards along with various performance standards. The burners and