
travel n
fdbk0pctma n
fdbk100pctma n
fdbkfunc n
posis n
trimfdbk4ma n
trimfdbk20ma n
Sets and/or displays the value that
represents 100% travel.
Sets and/or displays the mA value of the
Feedback signal that represents the 0%
drive position.
Sets and/or displays the mA value of
the Feedback signal that represents the
100% drive position.
Sets and/or displays whether or not the
drive Feedback signal is enabled.
Sets the point of drive travel in relation
to the drive's current position. This
command should only be used when the
drive is at a known position of travel.
Trims the Feedback signal at 4 mA. If the
Feedback signal is not within 1 mA of 4
mA, an error will be returned. Note: The
Feeback sourcing circuit is factory calibrated
and normally does not require recalibration.
Trims the Feedback signal at 20 mA. If the
Feedback signal is not within 1 mA of 20
mA, an error will be returned. Note: The
Feeback sourcing circuit is factory calibrated
and normally does not require recalibration.
Argument n and Information
n = the desired length of travel in
n = the desired Feedback signal for
0% drive position in mA. The minimum
value is 3 mA ("3.00") and the maximum
value is at least 4 mA less than the
Feedback signal value for the 100%
drive position.
n = the desired Feeback signal for 100%
drive position in mA. The minimum
value must be at least 4 mA greater
than the Feedback signal value for the
0% drive position. The maximum value
is 21mA ("21.00").
n = "0" (no feedback) or "1" (feedback).
n = the present drive position as a
degree of full drive travel to establish
where the 0% point of travel should be.
n = the present Feedback signal
from the drive as measured in mA at
terminals 16 & 17. The minimum value
is 3 mA ("3.000") and the maximum
value is 5 mA ("5.000").
n = the present Feedback signal
from the drive as measured in mA at
terminals 16 & 17. The minimum value
is 19 mA ("19.000") and the maximum
value is 21 mA ("21.000").
Position and Feedback Signal Commands
torq0k n
Assigns the count value to be
associated with 0 torque. This number
is unique to each drive.
Argument n and Information
n = the zero torque value in counts.
This number is determined during
manufacture and is noted on a tag
afxed to the drive body within the
electronics compartment.
Torque Sensing Commands