Beck Group 14 drives configured for milliamp
or dc analog modulating applications include an
Electronic Signal Receiver (ESR-4). Several
control options are available with the ESR-4,
such as operating more than one drive with a
single signal source.
The instructions below apply to applications
that require a signal change or to situations
calling for operation of multiple drives from a
common input signal.
Input Signal Range Change
If it is necessary to change the range of an
ESR-4 board to receive a different input signal
current, the “R-in” resistor must be changed. See
Table 3, below, for the proper value, and Figure
11 on page 31 for its location on the board. It is
mounted on turrets to facilitate the change. After
soldering the new resistor in place, recalibrate in
accordance with the instructions on page 30. If
a proper resistor with ±1% tolerance cannot be
obtained locally, it can be ordered from Beck.
Series Operation
Beck drives can be connected in series from
the same signal for concurrent operation. Care
must be taken to keep the polarity correct in each
drive’s input terminals. Two or three drives may
usually be connected in series. The number
of drives that may be connected in series is
limited only by the controller’s (signal source)
capability to feed current into the total resistance
of the circuit involved. Consult the controller
manufacturer’s recommendations.
No change is required to the drive’s cali-
bration for series operation. An interruption in the
circuit will actuate loss of input signal (L.O.S.) on
the drives in the circuit.
Parallel Operation
Beck drives can be connected in parallel to
the same signal for concurrent operation. Up to
four drives may be connected in parallel.
For parallel operation, use ESR-4 board no.
13-2245-05 in each drive, and add a shunting
resistor across input terminals AA and BB on one
of the Beck drives. The value of the resistor is:
Where N = the number of drives.
Refer to Table 3, below, for the input resistance.
For example, a 278 ohm shunting resistor should
be used for four drives in parallel with a 4–20 mA
input signal. If the resistance calculation is not a
standard value, then select the nearest standard
A minor span adjustment is required for each
drive in a parallel circuit. An interruption in the
circuit to one drive will not prevent the other
drives from functioning, but there will be a slight
calibration shift.