Remove the shutter tab by using a pair of side cutter pliers and
fi le sharp edges fl ush with burner surface. This will permit the
shutter to be locked securely.
Install the air shutter using the screw located below the pump.
Adjust the shutter to the original air setting and tighten screw
On older burners, do not install the top shutter
screw, it will interfere with the solenoid on the fuel unit.
To install a CleanCut fuel unit on a housing that has two top shut-
ter mounting screw holes, make sure the screw is installed in the
hole on the left that is closest to the front of the burner (air tube
Other Mounting Installations: The CleanCut Pump with a
standard cord set or a PD Timer can be installed on the following
burners: Carlin EZ-1, Wayne ’M’, Wayne ’E’, Wayne ’HS’, Ducane
’DM’, or Aero.
Ducane ’DR’: 5/16” diameter hole will have to be drilled into the
housing through the wire cavity.
Weil ’QB’: The valve coil blocks the air shutter screw. Allow
enough slack in the cord set in order to pivot the valve coil away
from the housing.
Lift - ‘H’ in
Figure 4
Run - ‘R’ in Figure 4
Single Stage Pump
Run - ‘R’ in Figure 4
Two-Stage XL Pump
3/8” OD
1/2” OD
3/8” OD
1/2” OD
0 84’ 100’ 93’ 100’
2 73’ 100’ 85’ 100’
4 63’ 100’ 77’ 100’
6 52’ 100’ 69’ 100’
8 42’ 100’ 60’ 100’
10 31’ 100’ 52’ 100’
12 21’ 83’ 44’ 100’
14 - 41’ 36’ 100’
16 - - 27’ 100’
18 - - - 76’
Item Beckett Part Number
Strainer/Gasket 51974U
Valve stem 21877U
Valve Coil (115vAC) 21755U
Valve Coil (220/240vAC) 21756U
Valve Coil (12vDC/24vAC) 21754U
PD Timer 21887U
Valve Cord Set 21807
Figure 5
Figure 4
Remove 1/16” pipe bypass plug from plastic bag attached to unit.
Remove 1/4” plug from return port. Insert by-pass plug. Attach
return and inlet lines. Start burner – Air bleeding is automatic.
Opening air bleed valve will allow a faster bleed if desired. Re-
turn line must terminate 3-4” above supply line inlet. Failure to
do this may introduce air into the system and could result in the
loss of prime.
DO NOT Install bypass plug - the shaft seal will rupture!
Connect inlet line to pump inlet. Start burner. Arrange primary
burner control for continuous operation during purging. Open
bleed valve 1 turn CCW. Bleed unit until all air bubbles disap-
pear. Notice: Hurried bleeding will impair effi cient operation of
unit. Tighten bleed valve securely.
The Clean Cut fuel unit may be installed with a Gravity or Lift Oil
Supply System. The maximum allowable lift is 8 ft.
IMPORTANT: One pipe installations must be absolutely air tight
or leaks or loss of prime may result. Bleed line and fuel unit
completely. Bleed for 15 seconds after last air is seen from bleed
/ gauge port to be certain lines are air free.
L = line Length in Feet H = Head in Feet Q = Firing rate in GPH
3/8” Line L = *6-.75H 1/2” Line L = *6-.75H
.0086Q .00218 Q
* If tank is above pump, change – to +. Fittings, valves and fi lters
will reduce total length allowed.
Disconnect power supply before wiring to prevent elec-
trical shock or equipment damage.
Lead wires on these devices are long enough to reach the junc-
tion box on most burner installations. Note: check the burner
manufacturer’s installation sheets for correct solenoid wiring.
(See Figure 5). All electrical work must be done according to lo-
cal and national codes. (Solenoid 115V, 0.1 amp, 60 HZ)
Figure 3