Form 6104 BCF10-R06
Prepare the burner for
Start-up checklist - Verify the following before
attempting to start burner.
Combustion air supply and venting have been inspected
and verifi ed to be free of obstructions and installed in
accordance with all applicable codes.
Oil nozzle has been selected correctly and securely
installed in the nozzle adapter.
Fuel unit by-pass plug has not been installed for one-
pipe oil system.
By-pass plug has been installed for two-pipe oil
Fuel connection to nozzle line assembly is secure.
Dimension Z has been set per this instruction manual.
Fuel supply line is correctly installed, the oil tank is
suffi ciently fi lled, and shut-off valves are open.
Burner is securely mounted in appliance, with pressure
fi ring plate and gasket installed for pressurized chamber
Appliance has been fi lled with water (boilers) and
controls have been operationally checked.
Burner has been installed in accordance with appliance
manufacturer’s instructions (when available).
Also refer to appliance manufacturer’s instructions
(when available) for start-up procedures.
Z dimension
The adjusting plate should be set per these instructions
(see page 9). The top acorn nut (Figure 11, item d) should
never be loosened once the Z dimension is initially set.
Figure 11 - Adjusting plate initial setting, typical
Legend (Figure 11)
Spline nut for securing nozzle line
Bottom acorn nut (for head adjustment)
Top Acorn nut (for setting dimension Z only)
-do not loosen after setting dimension Z
Indicator adjusting plate
Secondary adjusting plate
Primary adjusting plate
Copper oil line from oil valve to nozzle line
Sequence of Operation
Standby — The burner is idle, waiting for a call for heat.
When a call for heat is initiated, there is a 3-10 second delay
while the control performs a safe start check.
Valve-on delay — As applicable, the ignition and motor are
turned on for a 15-second prepurge.
Trial for ignition (TFI) — The fuel valve is opened, as
applicable. A fl ame should be estalished within the 15-
second lockout time.
Lockout — If fl ame is not sensed by the end of the TFI,
the control shuts down on safety lockout and must be
manually reset. If the control locks out three times in a row,
the control enters restricted lockout. Call a qualifi ed service
Ignition carryover — Once fl ame is established, the
ignition remains on for 10 seconds to ensure fl ame stability.
It then turns off.
Run — The burner runs until the call for heat is satisfi ed.
The burner is then sent to burner motor-off delay, as
applicable, or it is shut down and sent to standby.
Recycle — If the fl ame is lost while the burner is fi ring, the
control shuts down the burner, enters a 60-second recycle
delay, and then repeats the ignition steps outlined above. If
the fl ame is lost three times in a row, the control locks out
to prevent continuous cycling with repetitious fl ame loss
caused by poor combustion.
Burner motor-off delay — If applicable, the fuel valve
is closed and the burner motor is kept on for the selected
postpurge time before the control returns the burner to