Form 6104 BCF14N-R0299
Instruction Manual – Model CF1400 Oil Burner
Start the burner
Do not proceed unless all prior steps in this
manual have been completed. Failure to
comply could result in severe personal injury,
death or substantial property damage.
Do not attempt to start the burner when excess
oil has accumulated, when the appliance is
full of vapor or when the combustion chamber
is very hot. Do not attempt to re-establish
flame with the burner running if the flame
should be extinguished during start-up,
venting or adjustment. Allow the unit to cool
off and all vapors to dissipate before
attempting another start. Failure to comply
with these guidelines could cause an
explosion or fire, resulting in severe personal
injury, death or substantial property damage.
❏ Starting the burner and venting air
1. Verify that the air adjusting plate (Figure 12, item m) has
been set to the initial air position as described on page 12
under Initial air settings.
2. Open the oil shut-off valves in the oil supply (and return)
line(s) to the burner.
3. Set the thermostat (or operating control) to call for heat.
4. Close the line switch to the burner. The burner motor
should start immediately.
5. If the burner motor does not start, reset the motor overload
switch (if so equipped) and press the reset switch of the
burner primary control.
6. Vent the fuel unit as soon as the burner motor starts
rotating. To vent —
❏ Attach a clear plastic tube to the air bleed valve (Figure
8a, 8b, 9a or 9b
as applies, item p).
❏ Place the end of the tube in a container to catch the
oil. Then loosen the fuel unit air vent valve.
❏ Tighten the air vent valve after all air has been purged.
❏ IF burner stops during venting —
• The burner primary control will lockout if flame
is not established within its time limit.
This is typically 15 seconds for R8184 primary
controls, but may be less for other flame
supervisory controls.
• The burner may lockout several times during the
period needed to purge all the air. Reset the
primary control each time in order to continue
• If the burner is equipped with an R8184 primary,
you will need to wait about 2 minutes after each
lockout to allow time for the reset switch to cool.
• Squeeze off the air bleed tubing or close the air
vent valve when the pump stops running to prevent
air from flowing back into the oil line.
If the fuel unit air vent valve is completely
open, assuring no flow of oil to the burner oil
nozzle, you can temporarily jumper the F-F
terminals of an R8184 primary during the
purge period to allow enough time for all air
to purge. Never leave the burner unattended
when doing this. Remove the jumper when
purging is completed. This procedure should
only be used by a qualified burner technician,
experienced in burner operation and
control. Improper application of this method
can cause combustion chamber explosion, fire
hazard or fuel leakage, resulting in severe
personal injury, death or substantial property
❏ IF burner stops after flame established —
• Additional venting is probably required. Repeat
the air venting procedure.
7. Once flame is steady, proceed to Set air adjusing plate.