Rotary storage container
Sliding body shelf can be moved to left
or right in order to allow you place the tall
bottles, jars or boxes to the lower shelf
(Fig. 1)
You can reach the food that you have
placed into the shelf by grabbing and
turning it from its right edge (Fig.2).
When you want to load or remove it to
clean, turn it by 90 degrees, raise it up
and pull towards yourself (Fig. 3-4).
Blue light
(in some models)
Foodstuff stored in the crispers that
are enlightened with a blue light continue
their photosynthesis by means of the
wavelength effect of blue light and thus,
preserve their freshness and increase
their vitamin content.
Egg holder
You can install the egg holder to the
desired door or body shelf.
Never store the egg holder in the
freezer compartment