9 / 20 EN
Hood / User Manual
2 Warnngs - Components
This appliance has been designed
for use as either an EXTRACTION
(ducting to the outside) or
RECIRCULATION (filtering) hood.
The measurements contained on
the drawings in this booklet re-
fer to two models of cooker hood.
Therefore, it is essential that you re-
fer to the correct drawing when tak-
ing measurements for installation.
• The mnmum dstance between
the cookng surface and the metal
grease flters on the undersde of
the hood must be 650mm.
• Ths cooker hood must be nstalled
n accordance wth the nstallaton
nstructons and all requrements
must be adhered to.
• If the room where the cooker
hood s to be used contans a fuel
burnng applance such as a central
heatng boler then ts flue must
be of the room sealed or balance
flue type.
• If other types of flue or applances
are ftted ensure that there s an
adequate supply of ar to the room.
• When the range hood and
applance suppled wth energy
other than electrcty are
smultaneously n operaton, the
negatve pressure n the room
must not exceed 4 Pa (4x10-5
• The ductng system for ths
applance must not be connected
to any ventlaton system whch s
beng used for any other purpose.
• The ductng system for ths
applance must not be connected
to any exstng ventlaton system
whch s beng used for any other
• Do not leave naked flames or carry
out flambè cookng under ths
cooker hood.
• Ths applance s not ntended
for use by persons (ncludng
chldren) wth reduced physcal,
sensory or mental capabltes, or
lack of experence and knowledge,
unless they have been gven
supervson or nstructon
concernng use of the applance
by a person responsble for ther
• Chldren should be supervsed to
ensure that they do not play wth
the applance