33/35 EN
Refrgerator / User Manual
7 Troubleshootng
Check this list before contacting the service. Doing so will save you time and money.
This list includes frequent complaints that are not related to faulty workmanship or
materials. Certain features mentioned herein may not apply to your product.
The refrigerator is not working.
• The power plug s not fully settled. >>> Plug t n to settle completely nto the
• The fuse connected to the socket powerng the product or the man fuse s
blown. >>> Check the fuses.
Condensation on the side wall of the cooler compartment (MULTI ZONE, COOL,
• The envronment s too cold. >> Do not nstall the product n envronments wth
temperatures below -5°C.
• The door s opened too frequently >>> Take care not to open the product’s
door too frequently.
• The envronment s too humd. >>> Do not nstall the product n humd
• Foods contanng lquds are kept n unsealed holders. >>> Keep the foods
contanng lquds n sealed holders.
• The product’s door s left open. >>> Do not keep the product’s door open for
long perods.
• The thermostat s set to too low temperature. >>> Set the thermostat to
approprate temperature.
Compressor is not working.
• In case of sudden power falure or pullng the power plug off and puttng back
on, the gas pressure n the product’s coolng system s not balanced, whch
trggers the compressor thermc safeguard. The product wll restart after
approxmately 6 mnutes. If the product does not restart after ths perod,
contact the servce.
• Defrostng s actve. >>> Ths s normal for a fully-automatc defrostng
product. The defrostng s carred out perodcally.
• The product s not plugged n. >>> Make sure the power cord s plugged n.
• The temperature settng s ncorrect. >>> Select the approprate temperature
• The power s out. >>> The product wll contnue to operate normally once the
power s restored.
The refrigerator's operating noise is increasing while in use.
• The product’s operatng performance may vary dependng on the ambent
temperature varatons. Ths s normal and not a malfuncton.
The refrigerator runs too often or for too long.