Power Source Requirements
The power source must provides 12 Volts DC and must be able to supply the
necessary current to operate the load. The power source may be a battery or
a well-regulated 12V DC power supply. As a rough guideline, divide the power
consumption of the load (in watt) by 12 (the input voltage) to obtain the
current (in amperes) the power source must deliver. Example: Load is rated at
120 Watts; the power source must be able to deliver: (220/12) = 18.3 Amps
Making the Connection:
The Belkin 140 and 300-Watt Inverters are designed to connect to your
12-volt battery through the cigarette lighter socket on your dashboard.
To connect and use these Inverters, follow these easy steps:
1. Remove the cigarette lighter and push the adapter plug firmly into the
socket. Make sure both the socket and adapter plug are clean and dry.
2. Plug your appliance or equipment into the AC receptacle on the Inverter.
3. Turn the Inverter rocker switch to the ON (l) position.
4. Confirm that the LED Power Indicator light on the Inverter is glowing
GREEN. This GREEN light indicates that your Inverter is “ready for action.”
5. Turn on your equipment for use.
Don’t Blow a Fuse:
All Belkin Inverters are equipped with a spare fuse in case the original fuse
should blow. Most blown fuses are the result of reverse polarity or a short
circuit within the appliance or equipment being operated. With reasonable
care, it should not be necessary to replace the fuse in your Inverter.
To Replace a Fuse:
Belkin 140-Watt / 300-Watt Inverter
First, remove the power cord from the cigarette lighter socket. You will find
fuse compartment is easily accessed at the back of the unit underneath the
“lift-up” cover. Pull the blown fuse out, and insert the replacement. It is
important to remember that to replace of fuse of the same type and rating as
indicated. Make certain to correct the source of the overload that caused the
blown fuse before turning your Inverter back ON.
1. Open the fuse box cover
2. Replace the
blown fuse with
a new spade
type fuse