You may find it easier to use the Quick Connect screen to connect to networks.
To switch to the Quick Connect screen, right-click on the Utility system tray icon
( ). In the menu that appears, select “Use Quick Connect screen”. After you
have selected this option, the next time you double-click on the system tray icon
( ) or the desktop shortcut ( ) to open the Utility, you will be presented
with the Quick Connect screen.
Connecting to a Network Using the Quick Connect Screen
When the Quick Connect screen appears, you will see all of the available
networks in the window. Select a network by clicking on the name, then click
the “Connect” button.
Note: If the network that you are attempting to connect to is using encryption, you
will be prompted to enter the network key. If you don’t know the key, you will need
to obtain it from the system administrator. Also, see the section of this manual
called “Creating and Using a Profile” for advanced encryption setup options.
Using the Profiles Manager View
Using profiles is a convenient way to quickly and easily connect to networks if
you travel between multiple wireless networks. For example, your primary wireless
network may be at home, but you also use a wireless network at work and also at
the local café. Each of these networks likely has different settings. For instance,
the network at your workplace uses encryption, but home and the café don’t.
Also, each of these networks has a different name. Trying to keep track of these
differences just got easier with the profile manager. Every time you successfully
connect to a network, the profile manager will remember that network’s settings
for a later time. This means that after the first time you connect your computer
to the network at your workplace, you won’t have to reenter the encryption
settings again. The profile manager will recognize the network and automatically
connect to it. You can also create custom profiles, delete profiles, and edit
profiles when needed.
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