4. Elija el canal “más silencioso” para su red inalámbrica.
En lugares donde los hogares u oficinas están próximos entre sí, como
edificios de apartamentos o complejos de oficinas, es posible que haya
redes inalámbricas próximas que pudieran entrar en conflicto con la suya.
Use la función de “Site Survey” (Reconocimiento de sitio) de su utilidad
de red inalámbrica Belkin para ubicar otras redes inalámbricas y mueva
su enrutador inalámbrico (o punto de acceso) y computadoras a un canal
lo más lejano posible de las demás redes.
Experimente con más de un canal de los que hay disponibles para
encontrar la conexión más clara y evitar la interferencia de teléfonos
inalámbricos u otros dispositivos inalámbricos cercanos.
Para más productos inalámbricos de trabajo en red de Belkin, use
la información detallada sobre reconocimiento de sitios y canales
inalámbricos que se incluye en su Manual del Usuario.
5. Conexiones seguras, VPNs y AOL
Secure connections typically require a user name and password, and
are used where security is important. Secure connections include:
• Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections, often used to connect
remotely to an office network
• The “Bring Your Own Access” program from America Online (AOL),
which lets you use AOL through broadband provided by another
cable or DSL service
• Most online banking websites
• Many commercial websites that require a user name
and password to access your account
Secure connections can be interrupted by a computer’s power
management setting, which causes it to “go to sleep.” The simplest
solution to avoid this is to simply reconnect by re-running the VPN
or AOL software, or by re-logging into the secure website.
A second alternative is to change your computer’s power management
settings so it does not go to sleep; however, this may not be appropriate
for portable computers. To change your power management setting in
Windows, see the “Power Options” item in the Control Panel.
If you continue to have difficulty with Secure Connections, VPNs, and
AOL, please review steps 1–4 in the previous pages to be sure you
have addressed these issues.
These guidelines should allow you to cover the maximum possible area
with your wireless router. Should you need to cover an even wider area,
we suggest the Belkin Wireless Range Extender/Access Point.
For more information regarding our networking products, visit our website
at www.belkin.com/networking or call Belkin Technical Support.