Belkin Power Management Software
Send Notification to the same pager number:
Select this check box to send all messages to the
same pager and enter the relevant pager number in
the AC Failure field.
For instance: Set the Modem connect to COM2 and dial
“0” to access an outside line, and pager number is
“0,947123456” and "#1234#"means AC power failed.
(Attention: The action should be done within 20
seconds from calling pager number to sending code
D. Automatic Shutdown Time Parameters
UPS allows the users some time to shut down the system
before the UPS battery is exhausted. The characteristic
configuration of the UPS makes it so the system can be
restarted and operated normally.
♦ After AC Failure, Commence Computer Shutdown
Sequence in: Set the continuous time for system
operation after AC power fails. Please refer to the UPS
hardware manual or consult to the UPS supplier before
your configuration.
.settings range:0~2880 mins
.default value:10 mins
♦ If Low Battery Occurs, Commence Shutdown Sequence
in: Set some time for system's continuous operation
when battery low. For the setting value, the smaller is the
.settings range:0 ~600 mins
.default value:1 mins