Benq LCD Color Monitor User's Guide
English 52
Comparison of CRT & LCD monitors
Ultimately, it cannot be said that LCD monitors are superior to CRT monitors or vice-versa either.
Rather when choosing which device to use you need to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages
in order to decide which technology to use.
In the public and presentational arena, LC displays are definitely preferable over CRT monitors. In
relation to the display workstation order, the small footprint is also an important argument and in
this respect more favours flat panel displays. On the other hand, when it comes to particular colour
depth, or you need a large viewable diagonal, the choice of a CRT monitor is still unrivalled.
CRT monitor Flat panel display
hMultiscan monitor.
hsame quality in all resolutions.
hproven connector standard
hanalog (infinite) colour depth
hno pixel errors
halso large proportions
hno geometry errors
hno convergence errors
hexcellent brightness and contrast values
hinsensitive to magnetic and electric fields
hlow power consumption
hlow heat build-up
hsmall footprint
hlow weight
hgeometry errors possible
hconvergence errors possible
hlimited brightness and contrast val-
honly flicker-free from 72 Hz
hsensitive to magnetic and electric
hrelatively high power consumption
hhigh heat build-up
hlarger footprint
hhigh weight
hMulti-frequency monitor.
hbest quality only in its native resolution.
hAbsence of standards
hlimited colour depth
hpixel errors
hno large proportions