according to the local standard. Taiwan and USA use NTSC format; whereas
Europe and Mainland China uses PAL format.
For all the 16 cameras, each camera could adjust the “Quality”, “Frame Rate”,
and “Sensitivity” individually.
Options: 10
User could adjust the quality of recording. The higher the number, the better
the quality. However, the higher quality setting will consume more hard disk
Frame Rate:
Options: 0.2
User could adjust the frame rate for recording. The higher the number, the
higher frame rate will be recorded. However, with higher frame rate, the hard
disk space will be consumed faster. Please remember: the total frame rate of
the entire system is limited. For HDR-16EP, the system recording frame rate is
depended on the CPU that system uses. If it uses the Intel P4-2.4G, the system
recording frame rate is around 100fps(Frame per Second) for NTSC.
5-3 Sensitivity:
Options: 10
User could set the sensitivity of the motion detection during recording. It is
recommended to adjust the setting to 100 in order to prevent any data lost.
However, in some special conditions, the system continues to record even
when no motion has occurred. It will results in a considerable amount of
useless data being recorded. In such case, it is recommended to lower the
sensitivity setting to avoid wasting hard drive space.
6. PTZ Support
If the camera supports the PTZ control, please select the “Enable” on
“PTZ Status” icon, otherwise please select “Disable”, then select the
camera model on the “PTZ Model” icon and key in the PTZ ID.
7. Motion Sensor Setup: