22 Positioning your projector
Table B2: The screen aspect ratio is 4:3 and the projected picture is 15:9
There is 3% tolerance among these numbers in Table A, Table B1, and Table B2 due to optical
component variations.
BenQ recommends that if you intend to permanently install the projector, you should
physically test the projection size and distance using the actual projector in situ before you
permanently install it, so as to make allowance for this projector's optical characteristics. This
will help you determine the exact mounting position so that it best suits your installation
If you place the projector in a different position (to that recommended), you will have to tilt
it down or up, or even turn it slightly left or right to center the picture on the screen. In these
situations, some picture distortion will occur. To correct the distortion, see "Correcting
picture distortion" on page 37 for details.
Screen Dimensions Projected
picture size
bar (D)
Distance from Screen in
Ve r t ic a l
Diagonal Height
Average Max
Feet Inches mm cm cm cm cm cm mm
2.5 30 762 46 61 37 61 4.6 956.9 1033.4 1110.0 37
4.2 50 1270 76 102 61 102 7.6 1594.8 1722.4 1850.0 61
6.7 80 2032 122 163 98 163 12.2 2551.7 2755.8 2959.9 98
8.3 100 2540 152 203 122 203 15.2 3189.6 3444.7 3699.9 122
10.0 120 3048 183 244 146 244 18.3 3827.5 4133.7 4439.9 146
12.5 150 3810 229 305 183 305 22.9 4784.4 5167.1 5549.9 183
15.0 180 4572 274 366 219 366 27.4 5741.2 6200.5 6659.8 219
16.7 200 5080 305 406 244 406 30.5 6379.2 6889.5 7399.8 244
18.3 220 5588 335 447 268 447 33.5 7017.1 7578.4 8139.8 268
20.0 240 6096 366 488 293 488 36.6 7655.0 8267.4 8879.8 293