BENQ Corporation
Username – When you apply for a PPPoE service from your ISP, they will give you a
set of username and password for the purpose of login. You can fill your username from
your ISP in this input field.
Password – You can fill your password from your ISP in this input field.
Password Confirm – Type your password again, and this will confirm your
password’s value again.
Maximum Idle Time – AWL700 provides a timeout mechanism and this means if
there is no any traffic pass through AWL700 during the time that you set up, AWL700
will terminate this link between you and your ISP automatically.
Server Name –Some ISPs provide server name to be an authentication issue, so you
need to give your server name from your ISP for valid login. If your ISP does not ask for
server name, you can leave it blank or just ignored it.
Service Name – Some ISPs also provide service name to be an authentication issue, so
you need to give your service name from your ISP for valid login. If your ISP does not
ask for service name, you can leave it blank or just ignored it.
3.1.3 LAN Parameters
This configuration can help you to set up your LAN interface’s IP address and its subnet
IP Address – Your IP address in LAN interface.
Netmask – Subnet mask in your LAN interface.
3.1.4 IEEE802.11 Parameters
You may make the settings on the Wireless Access Point such as ESSID, Channel, RTS
Threshold, Fragment Threshold, Basic Rates, TX Rates and Preamble Type.