Additional Information
Additional Information
Your iCEBOX can connect to a variety of accessories. For information on
which devices and accessories are compatible with your iCEBOX, visit
Privacy Policy
Icebox, LLC is committed to protecting the privacy and security of iCEBOX
users. This privacy policy will advise you about how we protect your per-
sonal information and address your potential concerns over the use of this
information. We may need to change this policy from time to time to
address new issues and changes in our product. If you have any questions
or concerns about your privacy, please send Email to
Personal Identification Policy
Icebox, LLC will not disclose any personal identification information about
you as an individual user, such as your address, name, or telephone num-
ber. We may request personal identification information for the use of our
services. We have two exceptions to this policy:
1. We will release specific information about your account to comply with
any valid legal process, such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute,
or court order.
2. We will release specific information in special cases, such as if there is
a physical threat to you or others.
Privacy of Children
We urge all parents to participate in their children's Internet and online
experience. Please teach children about protecting their personal informa-
tion while online.
Other Web Sites
If you should give out personal information online, through bulletin boards
or other Web sites, that information can be used by third parties. You dis-
close information in these areas at your own risk. We encourage you to
investigate and ask questions before disclosing information to third