(9) Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders and holding valves for malfunction and
visible dam
resence of foreign ma-
and other fasteners.
(14) rer.
(16) If t he electrical insulating
shall be thoroughly inspected for lack of cleanliness
sys pliance with the rating of the aerial device in
licable methods and procedures as outlined in
ed for AC bare-hand work, the unit shall undergo a
(c) nt that crosses the insulating
replacement of an insulating component(s), the
cordance with section 5.4.3;
(e) r
replacement. Any sus-
constitute a safety hazard.
l be designated to the operator or other authorized per-
son ords of frequent inspections need not be
mad shall be reported in writing to a
pers -
five years or as required by applicable
.4 Mai by
the Welding re-
pair manual,
original ine the re-
8.4.1 wner shall train their maintenance personnel in in-
recommendations and Section 8 of this standard.
ration of the aerial device shall
be made without the written approval of the manufacturer. If such modifications or
changes are made, the capacity, operation, and maintenance instruction markings
shall be changed accordingly. In no case shall the safety factors be reduced below
those specified in this standard or below the manufacturers design safety factors,
whichever are greater. Should the original manufacturer no longer exist, an equiva-
ing or additions made to the mobile unit after
the final acceptance that affect weight distribution shall meet applicable regulations
(10) Hydraulic and pneumatic filters for cleanliness and the p
terial in the system indicating other component deterioration.
(11) Electrical systems and components for deterioration or wear including those
not readily visible on a frequent inspection.
(12) Performance test of all boom movements.
(13) Condition and tightness of bolts
Welds, as specified by the manufactu
Legible and proper identification, operational, and instructional markings.
he aerial device is rated as an insulated device, t
components and system(s)
and other conditions that compromise insulation. Then these components and
tem(s) shall be tested for com
accordance with one of the app
section 5.4.3 of this standard:
(a) If the aerial device is us
60 Hz test as shown in Table 2 at least every three years;
If the aerial device is used for DC bare-hand work, the unit shall undergo a
DC test as shown in Table 2 at least every three years;
After repair or modification of any compone
system(s), or the repair or
unit shall be dielectrically tested in ac
(d) An insulated replacement boom shall be tested to insure conformance to
5.3.3 by the supplier;
Bare-hand work units shall be tested as shown in Table l after any majo
repair to the insulated boom or any insulated boom
pected items shall be carefully examined or tested and a determination
made by a qualified person as to whether they
All unsafe items shall be replaced or repaired before use.
Inspection and Test Records.
(l) Items to be inspected shal
making frequent inspections. Rec
e. However, where a safety hazard is found, it
on responsible for the corrective action and that report and a record of the cor
rection shall be maintained for five years, or as required by applicable regulations.
(2) Written, dated and signed reports and records shall be made of periodic inspec-
tions and tests and retained for a period of
8 ntenance. Maintenance and frequency of maintenance shall be determined
owner in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
s of components or welds, designated as critical in the manufacturers
l be made in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Should the
manufacturer no longer exist an equivalent entity may determ
quired procedure.
Maintenance Training. The o
spection and maintenance of the aerial device in accordance with the manufac-
8.5 Modifications. No modifications or additions which affect the stability, mechani-
cal, hydraulic, or electrical integrity or the safe ope
lent entity may approve required modi
8.6 Weight Distribution. Changes in load