Modem 3600
Chapter 9
Fax Operation
The Modem 3600 can send and receive fax documents at speeds up to
14,400 bps, with the appropriate software. As a fax modem, the modem
conforms to EIA-578, which defines a standard interface between a PC
with fax software and the DCE as a fax modem.
When used with a Class 1 fax software package, Modem 3600 is CCITT
Group 3 compatible and can send and receive documents at 2400, 4800,
7200, 9600, 12,000, or 14,400 bps with any Group 3 fax machine or PC
with a fax modem.
Service Class selection configures the modem for Class 0 data mode or
Class 1 fax mode. The LCD display indicates when fax mode is enabled.
The Modem 3600 default configuration is for data mode; Service Class is
normally only changed by the software as necessary.
Previous chapters in this manual contain information about the modem
that should be understood prior to fax operation.
Read the fax software manual before attempting fax communications.
Fax Operation
The user's manual for the Class 1 fax software package should provide
most information necessary to configure the software and send and receive
The information in Chapter 2 of this manual should be considered as well,
and the “Modem Initialization” section on page9-2 provides important
information for proper fax communications.