Auto-Sync Time Clock
3-4 724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
NOTE: If this is not your first time connecting to this Auto-Sync Time Clock and a
“Favorites” bookmark was created in your Web browser, select it from the
Favorites/Bookmarks menu, and the Auto-Sync Time Clock Login page will
be displayed. In this instance you will NOT have to Bonjour the clock as its
location has already been discovered and saved!
3.2. First Time Set up of the Auto-Sync Time Clock
NOTE: The Auto-Sync Time Clock configuration parameters can be customized at
any time and do not have to be done in the following order. It is
recommended to set up these parameters to obtain the full potential from
you clock.
1. Log into the Auto-Sync Time Clock (see Figure 3-4) and Click on the Settings
link under Users
, and the Users List screen will appear (see Figure 4-2). Create
a new user with a unique Username and Password and store this information in
a secure place. Click on the
button to save the new username and/or
password in the clock’s flash memory.
Look – Skip Step 1 if a new User is not desired.
2. Click on the Information link under Clock
, and the Clock Information will
appear (see Figure 3-5). It is recommended to change the name to suit your
nomenclature (default name = auto-sync_MAC). See Figure 3-4 for an example
of a default clock name.
NOTE: The acceptable characters for clock name are ‘a-z’ upper & lowercase, ‘0-
9’, (-) dash, (_) underscore, and (*) asterisk. Uppercase letters will
automatically be changed to lowercase.
Enter a unique clock description that might, for example, describe where the
clock is located. All other fields on this screen are read only. Click on the
button to save your custom clock name and description.
Look – Skip Step 2 if the default clock name and no description are acceptable.
3. Click on the Settings link under Clock
, and the Clock Settings screen for
general settings will appear (see Figure 4-4). Select the appropriate Time Zone
from the dropdown menu, select 12 hour (AM/PM) or 24 hour (Military = default
setting) for the display and transaction format. Select if seconds or date will be
displayed. Check whether or not daylight savings should be applied. Enter the
Start and End DST dates/times if DST applied. Click on the
button to save
custom general clock settings.
Look – Skip Step 3 if the default clock settings are acceptable.
4. Click on the General Settings link under Print
, and the Print General
Settings screen will appear (see Figure 4-6) to setup: minute format, Dual Print
(On/Off), Dual Print Timeout (0-60 seconds), Print leading Zero (On/Off), Print
Direction (L/R), and Auto Numbering. Click on the
button to save general
print options settings.