
CHAPTER 6: SCSI Technical Information
DB0 through DB15, P, P1 (DATA BUS): Sixteen data-bit signals and two parity-
bit signals that together form a data bus. DB15 is the most significant bit and
has the highest priority during the Arbitration phase. Bit number, significance,
and priority decrease downward to DB0. A data bit is defined as a one when
the signal value is true and as a zero when the signal value is false. Data parity
DBP and DBP1 shall be odd.
Table 6-1. SCSI connector assignments for
single-ended (SE) 16-bit SCSI (wide).
Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number
Ground 1 -DB12 35
Ground 2 -DB13 36
Ground 3 -DB14 37
Ground 4 -DB15 38
Ground 5 -DBP1 39
Ground 6 -DB0 40
Ground 7 -DB1 41
Ground 8 -DB2 42
Ground 9 -DB3 43
Ground 10 -DB4 44
Ground 11 -DB5 45
Ground 12 -DB6 46
Ground 13 -DB7 47
Ground 14 -DBP 48