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Deluxe Single-Mode or Multimode Light Source
4.7 Setting the Output Power
Press the key to increase output power. This measurement ranges from
-2 dBm to -8 dBm. Each time you press the key, the value increases by 0.1 dBm.
Figure 4-8. Increase output power.
Press the key to decrease output power. This measurement ranges from -2 to
-8 dBm. Each time you press the key, the value decreases by 0.1 dBm.
Figure 4-9. Decrease output power.
4.8 Connecting to the Optical Power Meter
When connected to the optical power meter, the light source accurately measures
the fiber loss at distances up to more than 250 kilometers at 1550 nm. On-the-
spot measurements will differ with the working wavelength, fiber attenuation,
and the testing environment.