Click New Firewall Rule
Fill in the following fields:
Name: Name the rule. This name should describe the policy the firewall rule is
being used to implement (e.g. block ftp, Allow Tony)
Interface: Select the interface that the firewall rule will be applied to (i.e. Any,
Dialout/Cellular, VPN, Network Interface, Dial-in etc)
Port Range: Specify the Port or range of Ports (e.g. 1000 – 1500) that the rule will
apply to. This may be left blank for Any
Source Address Range: Specify the source IP address (or address range) to match. IP address
ranges use the format ip/netmask (where netmask is in bits 1-32). This
may be left blank for Any
Destination Range: Specify the destination IP address/address range to match. IP address
ranges use the format ip/netmask (where netmask is in bits 1-32). This
may be left blank.
Protocol: Select if the firewall rule will apply to TCP or UDP
Direction: Select the traffic direction that the firewall rule will apply to (Ingress =
incoming or Egress)
Action: Select the action (Accept or Block) that will be applied to the packets
detected that match the Interface+ Port Range+ Source/destination
Address Range+ Protocol+ Direction
For example, to block all SSH traffic from leaving Dialout Interface, the following settings can be
Interface: Dialout/Cellular
Port Range: 22
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