With all console servers, you can save the backup file remotely on your PC and you can restore
configurations from remote locations:
Click Save Backup in the Remote Configuration Backup menu.
The config backup file (System Name_date_config.opg) will be downloaded to your PC and
saved in the location you nominate.
To restore a remote backup:
Click Browse in the Remote Configuration Backup menu and select the Backup File you want to
Click Restore and click OK. This will overwrite all the current configuration settings in your
console server.
With Advanced Console Servers (LES1208A-R2, LES1216A-R2, LES1232A, LES1248A-R2), you can save the
backup file locally on the console server USB storage. To do this you must have an external USB flash
drive installed.
To backup and restore using USB:
Make sure the USB flash is the only USB device attached to the console server and click Prepare
Storage in the Local Configuration Backup menu.
This will set a Volume Label on the USB storage device. This preparation step is only necessary
the first time, and will not affect any other information you have saved onto the USB storage
device. We recommend that you back up any critical data from the USB storage device before
using it with your console server.
If there are multiple USB devices installed, you will be warned to remove them.
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