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724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
Chapter 3: Installation
Check rate of change
When enabling the “check rate of change” feature for the sensor, you can set the rate in a percentage ranging from 1% to 80%
over a period of time ranging from 1 to 20 minutes. You can set the direction to Up, Down, or Both, and you can set the Status
when the limit is exceeded to show either High Critical or Low Critical.
You can tie this sensor alert to any notification. Use it with a fuel level sensor to alert you to theft of fuel or leaks in storage tanks.
Continuous Time Settings and Minimum Time Settings Tabs
The following advanced functions set the time frame in which the system should delay a notification being triggered when a
sensor gives a reading that exceeds the thresholds (high warning, normal, etc).
Continuous Time to Report High Critical: This helps to eliminate unnecessary messages during minor fluctuations. You can set
the amount of time to delay a notification of a status change from high warning to high critical. Enter the time in seconds and
press the “Save” button. The amount of time that you can enter is between 0 and 65535 seconds, which equals approximately
18 hours.
Continuous Time to Report High Warning: As above, but delays notification for “High Warning.”
Continuous Time to Report for Normal: As above, but delays notification for return to “Normal” state.
Continuous Time to Report for Low Warning: As above, but delays notification for “Low Warning” state.
Continuous Time to Report for Low Critical: As above, but delays notification for “Low Critical” state.
Continuous Time to Report for Sensor Error: As above, but delays notification being sent for sensor going into an error state.
Example: An airflow sensor or humidty sensor may have temporary drops in readings that are normal operating characteristics; a
logical time limit is set to show abnormal conditions.
Enable Calendar: If you select this option, the screen shown in Figure 3-46 will be displayed.
Figure 3-46. Enable Calendar Status screen.