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Chapter 4: Operation
4. Operation
4.1 Powering Up the System
Once all cables have been connected and all computers have been powered on,
the ServSwitch emulates mouse and keyboard signals on each port, allowing your
computer to boot normally. The ServSwitch is now ready for use.
4.2 Selecting Computers Using Front-Panel Buttons
You can instantly select any computer by pressing the port selection button(s)
on the front panel. The corresponding LED lights when the port is selected.
4.3 Selecting Computers Using Hotkey Commands
A hotkey command is a short keyboard sequence used to select a computer,
activate a computer scan, etc. A hotkey sequence starts with two left Ctrl key-
strokes (in 0.2 seconds) followed by one or two more keystrokes. A built-in buzzer
generates a high-pitched beep for a correct hotkey command. The buzzer sounds
one low-pitched beep to indicate an error (in this case, the bad key sequence will
not be forwarded to the selected computer). Table 4-1 lists hotkey commands and
their functions.
To enable/disable the hotkey commands, hold Left-Ctrl + Left-Shift, then press
Num-Lock + Num-Lock, then release Left-Ctrl + Left-Shift.
NOTE: Do not use the keypad to the right of the keyboard.
Table 4-1. Hotkey commands.
Key Sequence Function
Left-Ctrl + Left-Ctrl + 1 Selects the computer connected to Port 1
Left-Ctrl + Left-Ctrl + 2 Selects the computer connected to Port 2, etc.
Left-Ctrl + Left-Ctrl + F1 AutoScan powered on computers one by one
at a fixed interval
Left-Ctrl + Left-Ctrl Aborts AutoScan
Left-Ctrl + Left-Ctrl + F2 Enables ManualScan, which enables you to
switch back and forth between powered-on
Press the <up-arrow> or <down-arrow> key to
select the previous or the next computer in
sequence. Press any other key to abort