To enable a service check Enable. For some servces you will be asked to specify the TCP/IP port
to be used for thie service.
There are also some serial port access parameters that you can configure on this menu:
Base The console server uses specific default ranges for the TCP/IP ports for the various
access services that Users and Administrators can use to access devices attached to
serial ports (as covered in Chapter 4—Configuring Serial Ports). The Administrator
can also set alternate ranges for these services, and these secondary ports will then
be used in addition to the defaults.
The default TCP/IP base port address for telnet access is 2000, and the range for
telnet is IP Address: Port (2000 + serial port #) i.e. 2001 – 2048. If the Administrator
sets 8000 as a secondary base for telnet, then serial port #2 on the console server can
be accessed via telnet at IP Address:2002 and at IP Address:8002.
The default base for SSH is 3000; for Raw TCP is 4000; and for RFC2217 it is 5000.
RAW/Direct You can also specify that serial port devices can be accessed from nominated
network interfaces using Raw TCP, direct Telnet/SSH, unauthenticated Telnet
services etc
3.5 Communications Software
You have configured access protocols for the Administrator client to use when connecting to the console
server. User clients (who you may set up later) will also use these protocols when accessing console
server serial attached devices and network attached hosts. You will need to have appropriate
communications software tools set up on the Administrator (and User) PC/workstation.
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