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To request these transactions, simply go to www.bcbsga.com
and click on
Provider Access, then select On-line Transactions. The member prefix of the
plan located outside of Georgia is required. Each of the request screens for
these transactions requires a member prefix.
Transaction requests are sent to the home plan – the plan that enrolled the
member. Some home plans respond immediately, in real time. In this case, the
response will be displayed on the screen. The process may take up to 50
seconds. In general, benefits, referral and pre-authorization inquiries are
handled in real time.
Some home plans do not have real time response capabilities and choose to
process their transactions in batch mode. In this case, the home plan will send
a response that will be displayed on our secure Message Center. This process
may take up to 24 hours. However, physicians will receive a message indicating
that their request has been received.
Other valuable resources
Provider Access offers the latest information about our medical management
activities, treatment protocols, credentialing standards and future plans.
Provider Access also maintains current information about disease management
programs, HEDIS, physician profiling, our Complementary Medicine Program
and physician rights and responsibilities. Through Provider Access, providers
have the ability to offer feedback to BCBSGa and make suggestions about topics
they would like to see included.
Provider Access complements Provider Communicator
, our newsletter that contains
updates about policy and procedure changes, best practices, legislative and
regulatory initiatives and new therapy advisories.