Design: BODUM Design Group
Kona Coffee Maker Drip Filter 10442
1.0 l/34 oz/8 cup
Filtering Out the Hectic
Parts of the Day
Individual taste leads the way in today’s coffee world. That includes
everything about the aromatic brew – from the beans and their origins,
to the roasting process and the coffee maker of choice.
On the one hand, coffee making gets
more and more sophisticated. On the
other, it’s back to basics. Very distinct
basics, that is. Forget the drip coffee
makers that keep coffee warm and
acidic tasting for hours. There’s some-
thing to be said about filter coffee
though. It’s actually not as bad as one
might think as long as there is no paper
filter involved. Paper filters retain the
good coffee oils thus making the coffee
taste like – well, nothing much. The
newly developed BODUM filters are
made of gold, a very durable and rust-
proof material, that only lets through the
good stuff - not imparting any metallic
flavor into the coffee. The very fine gold
mesh keeps the ground beans covered
with hot water for a longer period of
time so the extraction power for the
essential oils to develop their full flavor
becomes much higher. That way filter
coffee can please even the most sophis-
ticated coffee aficionado.
The Pavina double-wall glasses come in three different sizes.
From espresso to latte – anyone’s coffee of choice stays hot
longer and no fingers get burnt as the double-wall insulates
both ways.
BODUM’s Best is a dark roasted blend
of three different renowned origin cof-
fees from Central America, East Africa
and Indonesia. Its taste is bold but bal-
anced with dark chocolate, spice, and
berry notes in flavor and finish.
Grinding the coffee beans
right before preparing cof-
fee has a huge taste
impact. The Antigua gently
grinds everyone’s pre-
ferred coarseness at the
touch of a button. It comes
in black and in stainless
Santos is the update of an old classic – the first BODUM coffee
maker. The vacuum brewing system ensures the ground coffee
beans are surrounded with the perfect temperature water for the
perfect amount of time.