Installation instructions
Generally, it is easier to remove the saddle with the seatpost held firmly in
the bike frame. However, the old seatpost may be corroded slightly, making
removal or the seatpost difficult without the seat attached for leverage and
grip. These instructions explain how to remove a seatpost that may be slightly
To remove an old seatpost
1. Loosen the seatpost binder bolt.
2. Twist the saddle to loosen and partially remove the seatpost from the frame.
3. Re-tighten the seatpost binder bolt.
4. Loosen the saddle clamp bolts enough to remove the saddle from the saddle
1. Visually inspect the top edge and interior surface of the seat tube for burrs or
deformation that might mar the seatpost.
2. With your finger, again check the seat tube.
If there are any rough spots or burrs, remove them before going to the next step.
3. Grease the seatpost, except for models with a carbon fiber seatpost tube.
Apply a light bearing grease to the seatpost where it inserts into the seat tube. This
helps prevent galvanic corrosion where the aluminum seatpost can chemically bond
to the steel, aluminum, carbon, or titanium seat tube.
Some manufacturers tell you not to grease the seatpost with some
frames. As an example, Trek says that a special insert inside the
seat tube of OCLV carbon frames means you should NOT grease a
seatpost inserted into an OCLV frame. If you are unsure, check with
5. Insert the seatpost into the frame to its minimum insertion
6. Tighten the seat clamp bolt.
1. Loosen the saddle clamp bolt (Figure 4).
2. Slide the saddle rails into the rail grooves of the compres-
3. Adjust the tilt and setback of the saddle to your preference.
procedures to tighten the saddle
Figure 4- Exploded view of saddle clamp
Figure 3- Bontrager saddle rails
Figure 3- Bontrager saddle rails