DCN Next Generation Video Display en | 15
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70451
be generated by either the DB application or using the API
Either Synoptic Microphone Control or Microphone Management is running.
3.2.4 Topic = ATTREG
Topic = ATTREG, data-item = TOTALS
Returns the number of delegates who are registered by the Attendance Registration application.
“present text, number present, absent text, number absent”
present text
the string “Present” or the translation if the DCN Next
Generation is not installed in English.
number present
the number of delegates registered as present by Attendance
absent text
the string “Absent” or the translation if the DCN Next
Generation is not installed in English.
number absent
the number of delegates not registered as present by Attendance
The Attendance Registration application is running and any form of Attendance Registration is enabled.
Topic = ATTREG, data-item = ATTEND
Returns the absent/present status and current seat number for each delegate.
“delegate ID 1, seat number 1, status 1, delegate ID 2, seat number 2,
status 2, ...”
delegate Id X
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID number.
seat number X
The seat number of the delegate.
status X
the text “Present” or “Absent” depending on whether the
delegate is registered as present by the Attendance Registration
application. In non-English versions of DCN Next Generation
the texts “Present” and “Absent” are replaced with the
appropriate translation.
The Attendance Registration application is running and any form of Attendance Registration is enabled.
3.2.5 Topic = MESSAGE
Topic = MESSAGE, data-item = HALL
Returns the last message sent to the hall display by the Message Distribution application.
A string containing the message text without any separators. 132 characters maximum.
The Message Distribution application is running.