Analog Camera Firmware Updates via the CTFID | en 7
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Firmware Update Manual F.01U.097.269 | 4.0 | 2012.02
2 Analog Camera Firmware Updates via the CTFID
This chapter details the procedure to update the firmware files for an AutoDome 100,
AutoDome 600, a MIC Series 550 and a MIC Series 550 UIR analog camera using the
Configuration Tool for Imaging Devices (CTFID). The CTFID connects a computer to an analog
camera using a BNC to USB (Bilinx) connection or via a serial (RS232/RS485) connection.
Bilinx is a communication protocol that allows you to update the firmware for an analog
camera over the video cable (coaxial or passive UTP). For a Bilinx connection, the CTFID is
connected to an analog camera using a BNC to USB converter (Bosch part VP-USB). For a
serial connection, the analog camera is connected to a computer through the DB9 Com port.
The version of the CTFID software must be version 3.13 or higher to interface with an analog
camera. (Visit www.boschsecurity.com for the latest version of the CTFID software). For
further references and details, refer to the CTFID online help, to the CTFID User’s Manual and
to the AutoDome 600 Installation Manual.
The latest service pack is available on the Bosch Security Systems Web site.
2.1 Selecting the Service Pack
The analog service packs are cumulative. Before you begin a firmware update, check the
version of the System Controller Main (SC) firmware currently installed in the camera. The SC
Main firmware version determines the service pack with which you must start. To determine
the SC Main firmware version, issue the ON-66-ENTER command on the keyboard or from the
The camera displays the current firmware levels for the camera files. The SC Main firmware
level is indicated as item 1 in the illustration below.
Figure 2.1 AutoDome Status Screen
Figure 2.2 MIC Series 550 Status Screen
NOTICE! Use this upgrade method with an AutoDome 100, an AutoDome 600, a MIC Series
550, and a MIC Series 550 IR camera only. If you are updating the AuotDome 700 Series, refer
to Section 1 IP AutoDome Firmware Updates via a TCP/IP Network, on page 1.
Bosch Security Sys. AutoDome(r)
600 Series
Day/Night 36X
SC Boot
STD Comm
No Heater
FastAddress: Not Set
Bosch Security Sys.
MIC Series 550
Day/Night 36X
FastAddress: Not Set