D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 3.0 Points EN | 92
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
P## Pt Response
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Selection: 0 to F
Controlled (Non-24-Hour Points)
Point Response 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Armed Open I I I I D D I I D I I I I I T
Armed Short I I I I I I D D D I I I I I I
Disarmed Open T T T I I T I T
Disarmed Short T T T I T I I
24-Hour Points
Point Response 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Open I T I T I T S T S S
Short I I T T I T T S S S
Key: I = Instant alarm
D = Delayed alarm
T = Trouble
S = Supervisory
Blank = Audible or visual response
Example of Controlled point:
Point Type = 1
Point Response = 8
Perimeter point with delayed alarm response when
armed (opened or shorted) and no response when
Example of 24-hour point:
Point Type = 0
Point Response = 8
P## Entry Delay
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Selection: 5 sec to 600 sec
Use this option to enter the amount of entry delay
time that a user has after faulting a Controlled point
(P## Type 1, 2, 3) with a delayed response (D) (P##
Pt Response) of 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. DISARM NOW
appears for the duration of the time programmed
when the point is faulted in the delay condition.
The D1255 alternates between DISARM
NOW and the point text of the point that
caused the area to enter into entry delay.
If this time expires before disarming, or if the point is
configured with an instant response (I), an alarm
Make entries in 5 sec increments. The
programmer does not allow off-increment
With Passcode Length set to a non-zero value,
entering a valid Passcode during Entry Delay disarms
the system as soon as the last digit is entered. No
other keys are required. When the control panel is in
Exit Delay or is armed, entering a valid Passcode
must be followed by the [ENTER] or [ENT] key.
If another Perimeter or Interior Follower
Delay point trips while the area is already
in entry delay, the control panel adjusts
the delay time to the Delay point with the
least amount of delay time.
When a user enters an area, a Perimeter
point is faulted and the entry delay starts.
If an interior point must fault during entry
delay to allow the user to disarm the area
at a keypad, program P## Type as 3
(Interior Follower).
For SIA CP-01 Compliance:
P## Entry Delay must be between 30 sec and
240 sec.