58 en | Connections and settings Digital Video Recorder
F01U | 2.0 | 2008.12 User Manual Bosch Security Systems
3.23.4 Mail
Figure 3.43 Mail setup menu
• Notifi cation
- On: Notifi es the user by e-mail of unit operating information, according to notifi cation
- Off: The notifi cation function is not used.
The mail options are dimmed.
• SMTP server: Enter the SMTP Server address using the virtual keyboard.
If notifi cation is set to On and the SMTP server option is empty, the SMTP port no., user name,
and password options are dimmed and the options are not set.
• SMTP port no.: Enter the SMTP port number using the virtual keyboard. Typically the port
used for SMTP is 25. However, in some cases it is better to change this port number for added
fl exibility or security. If desired change the port number (1 ~ 65535).
• User name: Enter the user name using the virtual keyboard.
• Password: Enter the password using the virtual keyboard.
• TLS: Set to On when using the TLS (Transport Layer Security) function. By default, TLS is Off.
• Mail address (1-3): Enter the mail address using the virtual keyboard.
You can input up to 3 e-mail addresses.
• E-mail test: Select [E-mail test] to test sending an e-mail.
The SMTP server, SMTP port no., user name or password settings are
optional. The DVR can send e-mail directly without the use of an SMTP
server or MTA (message transfer agent). In certain cases all e-mail should
be forwarded to a specific SMTP server. Specify the server host name or IP
address in such a case. For more detail on SMTP setup, ask your network
administrator and/or mail service provider.