
102 en | Network Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0635 | v5.6 | 2013.01 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
14.1.13 iSCSI MSS [Byte]
Specify a higher MSS value for a connection to the iSCSI
system than for the other data traffic via the network. The
potential value depends on the network structure. A higher
value is only useful if the iSCSI system is located in the same
subnet as the camera.
14.1.14 Network MTU [Byte]
Specify a maximum value in bytes for the package size
(including IP header) to optimize data transmission.
14.1.15 Enable DynDNS
A dynamic Domain Name Service allows you to select the unit
via the Internet using a host name, without having to know the
current IP address of the unit. You can enable this service here.
To do this, you must have an account with one of the dynamic
DNS providers supported and you must have registered the
required host name for the unit on that site.
For information about the service, registration process and
available host names refer to the provider.
14.1.16 Provider
Select your dynamic DNS Provider.
14.1.17 Host name
Enter the host name registered for the unit here.
14.1.18 User name
Enter the user name you registered.
14.1.19 Password
Enter the password you registered.
14.1.20 Force registration now
Force the registration by transferring the IP address to the
DynDNS server. Entries that change frequently are not provided
in the Domain Name System. It is a good idea to force the
registration when setting up the device for the first time. Only