
AutoDome Modular Camera System Trouble Shooting Guide | en 21
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. VG4-100 Series User’s Manual F01U028033 | 1.0 | 2006.08
Picture is dark 1. Check that the Gain Control is set to AGC.
If O.K., then:
2. Check that the ALC level is set to the appropriate level.
If O.K., then:
3. Check that the video coax is terminated with 75 only at the head end. (Double ter-
mination causes dark video.)
If O.K., then:
4. Check that the camera lens cover is removed.
If O.K., then:
5. Check that the maximum coax distance has not been exceeded. See the AutoDome
Modular Camera System Installation Manual.
If O.K., then:
6. Restore all camera settings using the Install Menu.
Colors are not correct 1. Reset the White Balance to the appropriate selection.
If O.K., then:
2. Check that the maximum coax distance has not been exceeded. See the AutoDome
Modular Camera System Installation Manual.
If O.K., then:
3. Restore the White Balance setting to ATW in the Color Menu.
Background is too
bright to see subject
1. Turn on backlight compensation (BLC).
2. Adjust the BLC level.
3. Adjust the BLC area.
Video is rolling, noisy
or distorted
1. Ensure that the Sync Mode is set to Internal (crystal ).
If O.K., then:
2. Check that the maximum coax distance has not been exceeded. See the AutoDome
Modular Camera System Installation Manual.
If O.K., then:
3. Check the integrity of all BNC connectors and splices.
Note: Connecting a network cable to the interface board of a non-IP AutoDome causes
video distortion.
4. Remove network cable from the interface board RJ-45 connector.
Day/Night camera does
not switch automati-
cally when image is
1. Check that the Day/Night mode is set to AUTO.
If O.K., then:
2. Set Gain Control to AGC.
Inside of EnviroDome
bubble is foggy.
If using a Bosch power supply box:
1. Check the FX103 fuse in the Bosch Power Supply Box for power (24 V) to the heater
If O.K., then:
2. Check all wiring and connector pins to the heater module.
If using a non-Bosch power supply,
3. Confirm that the power supply meets the Bosch AutoDome power ratings. See the
AutoDome Datasheet for specifications.
If O.K., then:
4. Check the mains input line voltage.
If O.K., then:
5. Check that the maximum wire length from the power supply has not been exceeded.
See the AutoDome Modular Camera System Installation Manual.