14 - English
Technical Information
Speaker driver complement
10 system:
• Cube speaker arrays and center front speaker:
Two 2.5" (6.35 cm) Twiddler
• Powered Acoustimass module:
Two 5.25" (13 cm) woofers
Acoustimass 6 system:
• Cube speakers:
One 2.5" (6.35 cm) Twiddler
• Powered Acoustimass module:
One 5.25" (13 cm) woofers
System power rating
Acoustimass 10 system:
U.S./Canada: 100-127V 50/60 Hz 270W
Europe/Australia: 220-240V 50/60 Hz 270W
Acoustimass 6 system:
U.S./Canada: 100-127V 50/60 Hz 135W
Europe/Australia: 220-240V 50/60 Hz 135W
Acoustimass 10 system:
Compatible with A/V receivers and amplifiers rated from 10 to 200 watts per channel, rated from 4 to 8 ohms
Acoustimass 6 system:
Compatible with A/V receivers and amplifiers rated from 10 to150 watts per channel, rated from 4 to 8 ohms
Acoustimass 10 system:
Cube speaker array and center front speaker: 2.2 lb (1kg) each
cube speaker array: 7.4"H x 3.2"W x 3.3"D (15.7 cm x 7.9 cm x 10.2 cm)
center front speaker: 3.4"H x 7.3"W x 3.2"D (15.7 cm x 7.9 cm x 10.2 cm)
Module: 35 lb (15.8 kg)
16.3"H x 8.1"W x 25.3"D (41.4 cm x 20.6 cm x 64.3 cm)
Acoustimass 6 system:
Cube speaker: 1.18 lb (0.45 kg) each
3.7"H x 3.2"W x 3.3"D (9.5 cm x 8.3 cm x 8.4 cm)
Module: 27 lb (12.2 kg)
16.3"H x 8.1"W x 22.3"D (41.4 cm x 20.6 cm x 56.6 cm)