4:3 – See “Aspect ratio.”
5.1 – channel surround sound – A movie recording
technique that, when paired with a 5.1-channel home
theater surround speaker system, surrounds the viewer
with sounds from five different speakers for full-range
sound and one speaker for low-frequency effects.
16:9 – See “Aspect ratio.”
Analog audio – Sounds that we hear with our ears are
known as analog. Analog audio is data characterized by
being continuously variable. Such data is usually stored
as continuously varying physical undulations (vinyl
albums) or as variations in a magnetic medium (tape).
See Digital.
Aspect ratio – An expression for the width of the pic-
ture relative to the height when seen as a rectangular
TV image. For example, if the aspect ratio is 4:3 (read
as 4 by 3), the shape of that picture is 4 units wide by
3 units high. The standard TV aspect ratios are 4:3
and 16:9.
CD – The abbreviation for compact disc, a
plastic-coated, metallized disc that stores digitally
encoded music for high-quality playback when read by
a laser beam in a compact disc player.
Chapter – A main division of contents in a DVD title.
Coaxial cable – Carries digital audio via a wire between
a source device and your Lifestyle
Component video – Also called YPbPr, this video sig-
nal is split into three parts: luminance and two color sig-
nals for considerably better resolution than can be
provided by either composite or S-video signals. This
more complex signal also requires the use of compo-
nent connection jacks, which are not available on all
televisions or video components.
Composite video – The simplest of three types of
video signal, which combines rather than separates
brightness (black and white) and color information. It
provides the lowest resolution of the three, but is com-
patible with the broadest range of televisions and other
video components and requires a simple video cable
connection to RCA jacks.