9.1.2. Configuration by Menu
Select option 2 from the “Main Menu” menu to
display the Bluetooth settings menu shown below
You should enter here the Bluetooth Address
(BD_ADDR) of the remote (server) device you wish
to pair (in our case this is 000A-4F-00082D)
followed by ENTER.
This should be in the same format as indicated on
the products label (NAP-UAP-LAP, for those of you
who know)
Press “Esc” to skip this section
Press C to select the client option. This setting is
stored immediately and is not discarded upon a
reboot. In fact it requires a re-boot in order to
activate it.
Press “Esc” to skip this option
Re-boot (power cycle) your adapter. When the Client adapter is switched on, it will connect to the Server device you
have entered in the menu above, assuming of course that the server device is also powered up. Remember of
course that the factory shipped configuration of the adapters is “server” so only 1 device needs any modification in
this respect
9.1.3. Configuration by Commands
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