
TEL : +44
UC-260, UC-271
UC-701, UC-265
BBrraaiinnbbooxxeess'' KKaaiizzeenn
"Brainboxes constantly strives to achieve higher standards for the benefit of customers."
‘Kaizen’ is a Japanese term meaning ‘continuous improvement’. Kaizen has been implemented
throughout Brainboxes, resulting in significant improvements to our products and our customer service,
as illustrated by the development of our own custom ASIC “LYNX” and our new lifetime warranty. As part of this
ongoing process, in 2004 we embarked on ‘Lean’ and ‘6 Sigma’ programs which are successfully increasing
productivity and efficiency in all areas of the company.
More Info:
Click Here
BBrraaiinnbbooxxeess'' SSeerrvviiccee
“Brainboxes offers free lifetime support for ALL customers.”
We aim to provide industry leading support for our customers. Our highly trained and helpful support
engineers sit and work closely with the product designers, developers, and testers to ensure an in-depth
knowledge of the products. Support can be found by emailing support@brainboxes.com
calling: +44 (0)151 220 2500 during UK office hours.
Support website: www.brainboxes.com/support/index.asp
“Brainboxes’ passionately believes in the quality of its manufacturing process and will reflect this by
offering a Lifetime Warranty on ALL of its universal serial card range.”
Brainboxes is pleased to be able to extend a new Lifetime Warranty for all universal serial cards products. We have
introduced this based on our exceptional manufacturing and design quality and the company ethos of kaizen.
RRSS223322 SSttaannddaarrdd
RS232 is the best known industry standard providing
asynchronous serial communication using ± 12 Volt logic
levels over distances up to 100 feet (30 metres). RS232
can be configured to suit all needs from 3 wire
communication (using transmit, receive and ground lines only), to more complex
hardware and software handshaking.
More info:
Click Here
RS232 [9 Pin] Pinout
BBrraaiinnbbooxxeess'' LLYYNNXX
We developed the Brainboxes LYNX (BB16PCI958) to enable us to drive product performance, and supply customer
needs for Universal PCI products (3.3V and 5V compatible). By reducing the part count and incorporating several
components into one chip (FIFO, UARTs, PCI interface), we have also increased board reliability. The LYNX also features
thorough backwards compatibility with legacy systems, tested beyond the databook for compatibility with standard
TL16C550, 750 UARTs. The chip is designed so that Brainboxes products will work with all applications designed for TI
More Info:
Click Here