OPTIONS Program Mode
basic Instructions for Use 14/25
950787 Rev H 02/03
Program Mode is for infusions requiring up to 9 separate rates and volumes to be
delivered one after another. This is designed to deliver infusions for stepped
oncology drugs, circadian medication delivery, and other custom programs.
1. Press OPTS until display shows PROGRAM MODE.
2. Press ON.
3. Enter the rate of the first Step.
4. Press OK.
5. Enter the volume of the first Step.
6. Press OK.
7. Continue to enter the rates and volumes for Steps 2-9.
8. If less than 9 Steps are needed, press OK with a rate of zero.
9. Press OK to accept the total Program Volume.
NOTE: Pressing CHNG on this screen returns to Step 1 for review and changes.
10. Press to start the infusion. Check for drops in the drip chamber.
To Review or Change Program Mode data
1. Press OPTS until display shows PROGRAM MODE.
Note: If Program Mode is infusing, stop the infusion and press EXIT.
2. Press ON.
3. Review the data on each screen and press OK if data is correct or press
to clear the current data and re-enter new data. Press OK to accept
new data.
4. OR, press CHNG on Accept Program Volume screen (see #9
NOTE above).
To Clear Program Mode
1. Press OPTS until display shows PROGRAM MODE.
Note: If Program Mode is infusing, stop the infusion and press EXIT.
2. Press CLR.
3. Press YES to clear all the data in Program Mode.
4. Press ON and continue to program a new Program.
To Exit Program Mode
1. When infusion is complete, press to stop the KVO.
2. Press EXIT.
3. Press END to return to Continuous Mode.