A delicious and unusual bread subtly flavored with pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice; an excellent
accompaniment for ham.
Ingredients: 2 LB
16 Rolls
Water, 80ºF/27ºC2 TBL
Eggs, large, room temperature 2
Vegetable Oil 1/4 cup
Pumpkin, canned, mashed 1 cup
Pumpkin Pie Spice 4 tsp
Salt 1-1/2 tsp
Brown Sugar 1/3 cup
Bread Flour 4 cups
Active Dry Yeast 1 TBL
Butter, melted 1/3 cup
Press PAUSE at end of 20-second Punch. Remove Bread Pan and Kneading Paddle; close Lid.
On a lightly floured surface, gently roll or stretch dough into a 20 to 24-inch rope. Divide dough
into 16 to 24 pieces; roll each piece into a ball. Dip each dough ball in melted butter; layer
coated balls in Bread Maker. Return Bread Pan to Bread Maker; close Lid. Press the START for
final rise and bake.
Program: Time/Temperature
Preheat 0 minutes
Knead 1 5 minutes
Knead 2 25 minutes
Rise 1 60 minutes
Punch 20 seconds
Rise 2 55 minutes
Shape 0 seconds
Rise 3 0 minutes
Bake 50 minutes
Keep Warm as desired
Extras NO
Temperature 335ºF
Save YES or NO
Total time 3 hours 15 minutes
**Punch and Shape are in seconds rather than minutes.
Record the name and
settings on forms in back
of instruction manual to
make it easier to
remember where to find
the correct setting for
these recipes.
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