The adjustment of the heat level by one level will take effect within 30 seconds. If the heat level setting is adjusted by
two or more levels, either up or down, there is a built-in delay of three minutes between levels after the first change.
This is to allow the fire to stabilize between each heat levels.
Whenever you change the heat level setting, it is always a good idea to observe the fire for 10 or 15 minutes, and to
adjust the damper if needed.
Damper Control
The damper is located just beneath the main door. You will initially adjust
your damper for the best performance of your stove depending on your
operating heat level, altitude, exhaust configuration, and type and quality
of fuel. After that, you should not need to adjust the damper on a regular
basis. The combustion blower will change speeds depending upon your
heat level setting. This substantially eliminates the need for damper
adjustments during normal operation.
When changing fuel brands or type, closely observe the operation of the
stove and make adjustments to the damper as needed. Also monitor the
stove until you become familiar with how it operates
Be sure to use the maintenance tool provided or a pair of insulated
fireplace gloves if and when you do adjust the damper.
Blower Speeds
The convection blower (the one that blows air into the room), and the combustion blower are both controlled by the
control panel depending on which heat level setting you set the stove on. The Blowers will operate at a pre-programmed
speed depending upon the heat level setting you are operating the stove at. However, you can manually adjust the
convection blower speed. You can increase the convection blower speed above the pre-programmed level by pressing
the Fan Speed button. For optimal heat output and longevity of the convection blower, you should allow the convection
fan to be controlled by the control panel most of the time. In most cases, you will only want to increase the convection
fan speed when you lower the heat level setting by more than two levels. In such a case return it to the normal speed
for the heat level you are operating the stove on after about 15 minutes.
NOTE: Running the convection fan on the high setting for long periods of time will degrade the lifespan of your
convection blower.
Shut Down Procedures
The shut down procedures for the SP 6000 Multi-fuel stove are simple and straight forward. Simply press the On/Off
button one time and your unit will go into a pre-programmed shut down mode. Although not required, you may wish to
open the damper completely. Your blowers will continue to run for as much as a half an hour or more until the stove
cools to below approximately 90 degrees F. Allow the stove to complete its shut down procedure completely and do not
unplug the stove until completed