
Step 12: Cut the bread
Before cutting the bread, check that the kneading
blade has been removed from the bottom of the
baked bread.
When the bread is cool, using a serrated-
edge knife or electric knife on a firmly-seated
breadboard. A standard blade knife is not suitable
as it will tear the bread.
Breville recommends using the Breville Bread
Slicing Guide – Model BS1. This foldable,
lightweight cutting guide is the ideal accessory for
any bread maker. The guide slots ensure straight,
even slices every time when using a bread knife
or electric knife.
Step 13: Store the bread
Store the bread in a freezer bag or a sealable
bread box. To store for more than a few days,
place the bread into a freezer bag, expel the air,
seal, label and date. Bread may be frozen for up
to 1 month.
Beginner’s guide to baking your first loaf continued