If you love the taste of freshly baked bread you’ll love the taste
and flavour of home-made jam using the Breville Custom Loaf.
• Always use the exact amounts of sugar, fruits and ‘Jam Setta’. Do not
reduce sugar or use substitutes.
• Use only fresh, ripe fruit for best flavour and natural pectin level.
• Remove stems, seeds or pips from fruit before slicing.
• Fruit can be chopped with a food processor, using a pulse action.
• Do not puree fruit. Jam should contain small pieces of fruit.
• Recipes should not exceed 4 cups. Weigh fruit after slicing.
• The gel, texture, flavour, aroma and colour of the cooled jam may vary when
compared to commercially made jams. The natural pectin, ripeness,
juiciness, etc. of the fruit used will influence the finished product.
• Due to the natural pectin of some fruits, if the jam appears to be
thickening before the total cooking time has elapsed and no further
cooking is required, press the STOP button then complete the
bottling process.
• ‘Jam Setta’ is a jam setting mixture that contains pectin, a naturally
occurring substance found in fresh fruit and when cooked produces a gel.
The addition of ‘Jam Setta’ in our recipes ensures a thicker setting occurs.
This product is available at most supermarkets in 50g sachets.
• The Preset Timer cannot be used for jam recipes.
• All the recipes use local ingredients and Australian Standard Metric
measuring tools (cups, spoons and weighing scales) for accuracy.
1. With the jam mixing blade in position inside the bread pan,
add the ingredients to the bread pan.
2. Wipe spills away from the outside of the bread pan.
3. Insert bread pan into position inside the baking chamber
and close the lid.
4. Press ‘SELECT’ to access the JAM setting.
5. Press ‘START/PAUSE’ to commence operation. The bread
machine will preheat (LCD Screen will show PREHEAT)
for 15 minutes before any movement occurs in the pan.
After preheating, the jam will be heated and mixed for
approximately 50 minutes (LCD Screen will show BAKE).
The entire setting takes 1 hour 05 minutes. The bread
machine will beep when the setting is complete.
6. Press ‘STOP’.
7. Use oven mitts to remove the bread pan.
8. Pour the hot jam into warm, dry, sterilised jars, leaving
1.25cm, from the top of the jar. Seal immediately and label.
Jam will thicken upon cooling and storage.