Can I use home-ground or
home-milled flour?
• Depending on the coarseness of the flour, results may not be satisfactory. For best results,
we recommend using a blend of bread flour and home-milled flour. Ensure not to grind the
flour too coarse as it may damage the bread pan coating.
Why do the ingredients need
to be placed in the bread pan
in the specified order?
• To ensure all dry ingredients are mixed with the water and to avoid the yeast activating
prematurely with the water, salt or sugar when using the Delay Start feature.
Are the room and water
temperatures important?
• Yes – room and water temperature influences yeast activity and therefore can affect
the quality of the bread. The average room temperature is approximately 68°F-77°F
(20°C-25°C). Dry ingredients should be at room temperature and liquids at 80°F (27°C)
unless stated otherwise. Never use hot water as it will kill the yeast.
Why is the ‘bake’
temperature range so low?
• Due to the small, enclosed baking chamber and close proximity of the heating element, the
baking temperatures are lower than a wall oven but hot enough to bake the bread efficiently
and evenly. Our testing has shown that breads usually baked in a wall oven at 357°F (190°C)
can be successfully baked in the bread maker at 300°F (150°C). When using or developing
your own recipes, we recommend using the oven’s preset recommended baking temperature
as a guide before adjusting the temperature and/or ‘bake’ time to produce the desired results.
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