Red light flashing • The Overheat Protection may have automatically
de-activated the motor. If this occurs, the START
| STOP button surround will flash red. Unplug
the power cord from the wall outlet and allow the
appliance to cool for at least 15 minutes. Insufficient
cooling time may result in the motor de-activating
again. After sufficient cooling time, reconnect the
power cord to the wall outlet and recommence
normal use (see page 16).
• The Electronic Protection may have automatically
de-activated the motor. If this occurs, the START
| STOP button surround will flash red. Unplug the
power cord from the wall outlet and clear the Feed
Chute. Either too much food is being processed at
one time or the pieces are not small enough. Try
trimming food, cutting food into smaller pieces of
even size and/or processing a smaller amount per
batch. Then reconnect the power cord to the wall
outlet and recommence normal use (see page 16).