There is a difference in technology with a standard paper air lter and your new Green High Performance Air Filter.•
Paper lters stop dirt by being made up of small holes which allow the air to pass but not the dirt. Unfortunately this •
is very restrictive to your engine. After each particle of dirt is stopped the lter becomes that much more restrictive,
until air ow is halted to almost nothing, starving your engine of air. This drastically decreases your engine’s perfor-
For best performance it is recommended your Green Filter be cleaned and oiled between each race.•
Green Filter is made of woven cotton that MUST be oiled. A Green Filter stops dirt differently than a paper air lter. •
Green High Performance Air Filters are designed to be oiled. The oil creates a positive (+) magnetic charge with the
stainless steel mesh, which attracts the negatively (-) charged dust particles. The dust and dirt builds around the
mesh to form a tunnel. This allows the cotton to remain cleaner for maximum air ow, but still stops the dirt. That is
why it is important to keep your Green Air Filter properly oiled.
Your Green Filter comes pre-oiled from the factory, but after each 5-10 hours of racing the lter should be checked •
for clogging and re-oiled. (This is based on normal race conditions. If racing is on a dirt track or in dirty conditions
the lter must be cleaned more frequently. Extreme cases clean every 1-2 hrs. of race time).
Cleaning instructions:
Remove as much dirt from the lter as possible by tapping it on a hard surface.1.
Using the Green Filter Cleaning & Re-Oil Kit (Part #2000), spray the lter with Green Filter cleaner. Allow the solution 2.
to soak into the lter for about 15 minutes. Or dilute the cleaner in a bucket of water and soak the lter.
CAUTION: Never use strong detergents, high pressure water, or gasoline.3.
Rinse the lter with warm water, inside rst and then outside. (Let the water run from the clean side to the dirty 4.
Allow the lter to dry completely. It is best to allow the lter to dry naturally. Don’t use heat, this might shrink the 5.
Re-oil the lter using Green Filter oil ONLY (kit #2000). Don’t use other cotton lter oils, the color is different (Green 6.
oil is colored green and is specially formulated for Green Filters).
* You will know when the lter is correctly oiled by the cotton changing from white to Green. (It will look wet.)
* CAUTION: Be sure not to over oil your filter, which can damage your sensors and engine.
Allow lter to dry for ½ hour. If you place your Green Filter on a piece of cardboard for 10 minutes and it leaves oil
stains, you have over oiled your lter. Clean and start over.
WARNING: Never use motor oil, transmission fluid, WD 40. Failure to follow instructions
can cause fires resulting in death, bodily injury or property damage.
The Green Filter cleaning and re-oil kit is Part #2000. For more information and/or questions,
please visit www.greenlterusa.com.
This engine is designed to be mounted FLAT on the kart. Because of the carburetor setup and oiling system, we DO NOT
recommend mounting the engine with any degree of angle.
Not for
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